Coretech Insight Report: Insurers Can See Up to $25M Revenue Gain

A Coretech Insight Study Commissioned by Socotra

Insurers know that speed and agility are key to growth. But they struggle to quantify the value of investing in new technologies in terms of speed-to-market and revenue. To address this challenge, Coretech Insight, an independent advisory firm focused on core technology for the insurance industry, conducted a breakthrough study modeling three real-world scenarios to assess the economic value of speed-to-market, using publicly available industry and government data and validation by senior industry participants.

The analysis compared product launches for incumbent systems against new cloud-native agile platforms and found that insurers that launch products faster by deploying cloud agile technology are able to generate a revenue gain of as much as $25 million over five years.

What will you learn from this report? You’ll get the detailed information supporting these results and learn how findings like these were determined in this analysis:

  • The benefits of shorter time-to-market exceeded the costs of implementing and operating new cloud technology by a wide margin—as much as 40 times the cost of implementation.
  • Cloud agile technology can trim product launch times to a matter of months versus typical timeframes of a year to 18 months for outdated systems.
  • Cloud agile platform product launches enable insurers to capture revenue that would otherwise be lost to extended launch timeframes.
  • Insurers are forfeiting millions of dollars in new premiums due to delays common with incumbent systems.

Get your copy of this ground-breaking, must-read study today.

Insurance technology provider Socotra targets European expansion for its global growth strategy

Socotra’s move is driven by accelerated demand for its API-driven, cloud-first technology, which increases insurers’ speed-to-market at lower cost

Socotra today announces a major drive into the European insurance markets, with an initial focus on the UK, DACH, France, and others, following strong growth in 2022, including a 71% revenue increase, a 75% growth in customers, and a 117% YoY increase in policies managed on its SaaS platform.

Socotra sees a great need in these markets as insurers, such as Socotra clients AXA and MS Amlin, increasingly realise the need for API-driven, cloud-first technologies that accelerate product launches, offer flexibility, and reduce IT expenses. Socotra Connected Core offers insurers the power and flexibility to launch any insurance product via any distribution channel. Products can be easily localised for any geography, including regulations, currency, date and address formats, and more. With Socotra App MarketPlace, insurers gain instant access to industry-leading software and data providers through a simple click-to-run experience. App MarketPlace is available today to all Socotra customers, at no additional cost.

“Today, many insurers are profoundly impaired by legacy technologies, and it is our mission to make high-quality technology available to all insurers, everywhere,” said Dan Woods, Socotra’s Founder and CEO. “We are greatly increasing our investments in Europe and hiring top talent on the ground. Our major push into the UK and European Union continues our commitment to helping insurers thrive around the world. “Our first customer in Europe was in 2017, and since then we’ve made steady progress throughout Europe. We are seeing increasing demand for technologies like Socotra that are fast, flexible, cost-effective, and mature.”  

Founded in 2014 and based in Austin, Texas, Socotra employs specialists in Europe, including sales, support, implementation, and engineering. The company plans to continue growing headcount in Europe and is bringing together insurance and technology leaders at its Socotra Connected PlatForum in London on 28 February, as well as presenting and exhibiting at Booth P7 at Insurtech Insights Europe on 1-2 March.